The Great Sun Nation
Native Sons and Daughters Registration
Great Sun Nation
Great Sun Nation Help
How do I get a refund?
Please contact Gary Chin Lee, Nation Wampum
How do I choose a tribe to join?
Please contact Ed Bittman
or 561-512-5544
How do I get rid of a duplicate account?
Please contact Ed Bittman
or 561-512-5544
What do I do about duplicate family member profiles on my account?
Please contact Ed Bittman
or 561-512-5544
I have questions about an upcoming event.
PayPal won't take my credit card
Please contact PayPal customer support.
Click this link to get their phone number:
How do I get access to run reports?
Please contact Ed Bittman
or 561-512-5544
The event is closed. Can I still register?
The event is sold out. Can I get wait listed?
How will registrations and purchases show up on my credit card?
Your credit card statement will show something like "PayPal *CIRCLEBRIDG".
As a Tribe Chief, can I create an event and collect money?
Yes. From the Admin menu, click "Event Add".
As a Tribe Chief, how do I get inactive people off my tribe roster?
Please contact Ed Bittman
or 561-512-5544